Welcome to St. Peter's Church in Lindsay, Texas. If you are new and would like to register as a parishioner, please fill out our Online Registration Form, or stop by the Parish Office - we would love to meet you! Check out the "About" section and read all about the history of our church community and see pictures of the inside and outside. We hope you enjoy all that St. Peter's has to offer. If you have any questions, please call the office.
To stay up to date on the latest parish announcements please sign up for Evangelus by visiting eva.us/stpeters and register there.
If you would like to volunteer at St. Peter's, you will need to take a Virtus training and maintain that every two years. St. Peter's offers the training several times a year. The initial training is a one-time 3 hour session, then the following renewal trainings every two years are 1 1/2 hour sessions.
Below is the link to register with Virtus.
When registering please make sure to pick the Diocese of Fort Worth, as well as, associate yourself with the Parish of St. Peter's.
Click the link below, then click on "First Time Registrant" and from there just follow the directions.
If you have any questions, please contact the Parish Office at 940-668-7609 or email [email protected].
St. Peter's Cemetery is getting a new look! We are reconstructing the roads in the cemetery to access the farther west portion that is now being used. There will also be more parking just south of the Grotto including handicapped spots. We are excited to share with you the video of the future columbaria (Open in browser) as was presented at the St. Anne's dinner November 3rd. Please be cautious of the construction area as we continue with this project. Please know that any construction plans will occur only as funds allow. Also look forthe new Blessed Mother statue now in place in the new section.